The 2024-2025 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship application is now available in Switzerland County through the Community Foundation of Switzerland County Inc. The application requirements and the online application can be found at https://www.cfsci.org/scholarships/lilly-scholarship/ and the deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 21st at 3:00 p.m. One scholarship will be awarded in Switzerland County and it may be used for otherwise unreimbursed full tuition, required fees, and a special allocation of up to $900 per year to cover the costs for required books and required equipment for four years of undergraduate study on a full-time basis leading to a baccalaureate degree at any eligible Indiana public or private nonprofit college or university. If you have any questions regarding the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, please contact Melissa Andrew at the Community Foundation’s office at 812-427-9160 or mandrew@cfsci.org.

From Ashley Wehner- FFA Adviser:
"As some of you may already know, Ky Baker was elected as the 2024-2025 Indiana FFA State Treasurer this week at our state convention! This is a huge accomplishment and she will be serving the over 14,000 Indiana FFA members this year before she goes to Purdue in 2025. She will be traveling the state to visit different FFA chapters, put on numerous leadership workshops for students, visiting agricultural companies on behalf of the Indiana FFA and advocating for agriculture everywhere she goes. She will be moving to the FFA leadership center next Wednesday to begin her year of service and we want to send her off in style! Please stop by and give her a few words of encouragement on Saturday afternoon. I know it would mean a lot to her.
All friends, family, supporters, and community members are invited!
Saturday from 5-7:30 in the high school cafeteria we will be celebrating Ky and wishing her the best as she begins her year of service to the members of the Indiana FFA.
Light appetizers will be provided.
Feel free to spread the word throughout Switzerland County!
Thank you for your continued support!"

The 2024-2025 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship application is now available in Switzerland County through the Community Foundation of Switzerland County Inc. The application requirements and the online application can be found at https://www.cfsci.org/scholarships/lilly-scholarship/ and the deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 21st at 3:00 p.m. One scholarship will be awarded in Switzerland County and it may be used for otherwise unreimbursed full tuition, required fees, and a special allocation of up to $900 per year to cover the costs for required books and required equipment for four years of undergraduate study on a full-time basis leading to a baccalaureate degree at any eligible Indiana public or private nonprofit college or university. If you have any questions regarding the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, please contact Melissa Andrew at the Community Foundation’s office at 812-427-9160 or mandrew@cfsci.org.

This is a reminder to return all school devices, chromebooks and hotspots by Friday May 31st. Graduates will get their Chromebook back at graduation. Devices not returned will be billed for.

The 2024 Prom Grand March and King and Queen crowning will be held at the Ogle Haus Saturday, April 27th, at 7:30 p.m.

Switzerland County School Corporation will be on an E Learning day on April 2nd, 2024, due to the level 4 threat of severe weather conditions at the time of school dismissal. We want parents to be able to make safety arrangements for children tomorrow as we've received our updated forecast information with heavy rain and severe wind gusts, including the increased risks of tornados beginning at 2 pm.

Our hearts go out to the family of Carson Hughes and the JCD community during this incredibly difficult time.

Thank you for your patience. All students are safe. Buses are on a delayed dismissal.
Career Center students were held at the Career Center and will be later than most students.

Buses and cars will be released at 3:05 PM.

Students will shelter in place until the tornado warning is over. Buses will be delayed.

All students are sheltered in place for the duration of the Tornado warning as a precaution.

Please refer to this newsletter for information on the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FvMvv6l0lY1wnjLoWH8zYD7KbX3bO06E/view?usp=drivesdk

We are aware of a soft lockdown that took place at the Southeastern Career Center. Southeatern Career Center has notified all parents and all Southeastern Career Center students are being released on time.

Reminder: School will be in session on Monday, February 19th

This is a reminder that school is in session Monday February 19th as a makeup day.

The deadline to apply for Community Foundation of Switzerland County Inc. scholarships is 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 21st. The application can be found at https://www.cfsci.org/scholarships. The criteria and application requirements for each scholarship vary based on the donor's wishes. There is one common application that all applicants must complete and some scholarships will require that additional information be submitted as well. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Andrew at the Community Foundation’s office at 812-427-9160 or mandrew@cfsci.org.

The community open house for The Academic Connector will be hosted from 430 to 600 tonight.

On 1/30/2024, Safe Passage Prevention will have a virtual presentation- “A Parent’s Guide to Teen Dating.” This will provide info regarding unhealthy/abusive relationships, teen dating violence, digital/phone education, and parent resources.
Abby Herbert - 812-933-1990

Reminder- School is back in session on Wednesday, January 3rd

Collaborating with @Five_Tech allows for so many capabilities for @switzsc administrators, teachers, and students. #partnerships #PacerPride